【HAS作品】瑰丽 580㎡北京地标豪宅

参考造价:暂未填写| 风格:现代简约| 空间:别墅豪宅| 面积:580平米| 浏览数:593
案例简介 Case description

【HAS作品】瑰丽 580㎡北京地标

As a designer with ideas, I don't like to be bound by a fixed style. I prefer to interpret different beauty through artistic techniques, exquisite details and exquisite collocation.
【HAS作品】瑰丽 580㎡北京地标

The combination of white and black is a timeless classic, always at the forefront of fashion. At the same time, black and white two colors are extreme opposites, but sometimes it makes us feel that there is an indescribable commonness between them. The white restrains the excess black, and the black absorbs the excess white, deducing a delicate balance together, forming a spatial connection with lines forming planes and faces forming bodies together, showing the skillful processing method, but also showing the extraordinary control ability of designers.
【HAS作品】瑰丽 580㎡北京地标

A good work is never a combination of quantity and color; Only the pure and exquisite composition of the simple space of texture can form the tension of art, show the taste of design and reflect the depth of life.
【HAS作品】瑰丽 580㎡北京地标

"Hide" and "do not hide" is the point that stylist wants to express most, "hide" is the detail that does not dig deeply, do not pay attention to, do not pay attention to will not see, "do not hide" is casual, do not care, do not pay attention to the temperament that can reveal. It is "hiding" that makes the sense of design "less", and it is the "less" of the sense of design that shows the "more" of the sense of life.
【HAS作品】瑰丽 580㎡北京地标

From simple line and surface, to the ball and body, to black and white, to the color of the colorful and plain, to the surface of the flat and wrinkle, to the quality of coarse and fine, carved clean, straight to the heart.
【HAS作品】瑰丽 580㎡北京地标

Ingenious layout, comfortable moving line, refined act the role of article, while satisfying the demand of natural individual, more reflect the full respect to each individual.

Do not break individual character already, do not break commonness again, do both things to independence already, do both things to privacy again, really look forward to the spirit level into the living scene that can be landed.
【HAS作品】瑰丽 580㎡北京地标

Good design, not only at indoor personality and commonness, more care about the filling of indoor natural light, under the transformation of light and shadow, more give the space elegant clever.
【HAS作品】瑰丽 580㎡北京地标

Sunlight is a symbol of a better life, but also the root of the true art, is the free flow of art, but also the ideal artistic conception of life, natural and pure temperament, more can show the secret design, this is the real low-key luxury connotation.
【HAS作品】瑰丽 580㎡北京地标

In the multiple deconstruction and fusion of the freedom of art and life, the characteristics of contemporary urban life and the needs of modern human habitation, the space design integrates rich and special humanistic impression and spiritual structure, endows the space with extraordinary beauty and temperament, and presents a free and free and rich quality of life artistic conception.


GTTO竟向|叙璞 • 自然之衍
GTTO竟向|叙璞 • 自然之衍
株洲  长房湘江府别墅
株洲 长房湘江府别墅

设计师王寅思 认证设计师


  • 65
  • 0
  • 0
300-800/ ㎡


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